Marshall and Lily get engaged. (September 2005)

Ted meets Robin
(September 2005)

Tracy's 21st birthday, her boyfriend Max dies. (September 2005)

New Years Eve, the gang ride in a limo (December 31st 2005)
April 2005
- Robin moves to New York. [Robin says to Ted she just moved [to New York] in April, 102 Purple Giraffe]​
August 2005
- 12th. Barney records a video to Ted on one of his porn tapes, Archisexture, saying that if he's given his porn collection to Ted that he's either dead or in a relationship and if he's in a relationship he begs Ted to get him out of it. [507 The Rough Patch]
September 2005​
- Marshall and Lily get engaged. Marshall accidentally shoots her in the eye with champagne cork. Ouch. [101 The Pilot]​
- Tracy is out celebrating her 21st birthday when she gets a call telling her that her boyfriend Max has died. [916 How Your Mother Met Me]
- Ted meets Robin and tells her h​e loves her on their first date. This would later be referred to as "pulling a mosby" [101 The Pilot]​
- Ted throws three parties in a row for Robin in an attempt to win her over. [102 Purple Giraffe]​
October 2005
- Barney & Ted go to Philadelphia and lick the Liberty Bell [103 Sweet Taste of Liberty]
- Ted dates Natalie and again breaks up with her on her birthday. Angry that he's broken up with her on her birthday for the second time she beats the absolute crap out of him using her Krav Maga training. [104 Return of the Shirt]​. A bruised Ted goes home and writes a letter to remind himself of why they broke up, should he ever have feelings for her again. [521 Twin Beds]​
- 31st. Halloween. As usual Ted waits for the Slutty Pumpkin, dressed as a hanging chad. Lily and Marshall dress up as Jack Sparrow and a parrot. [106 Slutty Pumpkin]​
November 2005
- Lily & Marshall discover the cockamouse. [107 Matchmaker]​
- Lily discovers her apartment has been turned into a Chinese restaurant. [108 The Duel]
- Marshall & Ted have a sword fight and Lily accidentally gets stabbed. [108 The Duel]​
- 24th. Thanksgiving, Lily gets arrested in Minnesota for peeing in public. [109 Belly Full of Turkey]​​
- Sometime in November. Barney briefly dates Wendy the Waitress. [Was said to have happened in November 2005 in 311 The Platinum Rule]​
December 2005
- The Pineapple Incident. Where the pineapple actually came from we'll never know. [110 The Pineapple Incident]
- 31st. Ted rents a limo for New Years eve as the again try to attend three parties. They also meet Moby (but not really). [111 The Limo]​
Unknown 2005
- Teds parents divorce. [10 months before 203 Brunch]​
- Barney tells Ted his Gremlins-inspired way of telling someone is your girlfriend, all of which he would break when he starting seeing Robin four years later. [501 Definitions]​
- Barney takes Ted to witness a lethal injection, tricking him into coming by telling him they're going to an Origins of Chewbacca exhibit. [four years before 502 Double Date]
- Ted's college crush, Maggie Wilks, breaks up with her boyfriend. Not wanting to miss out again Ted only waits an hour before going to ask her out but, even though in that time she only went downstairs to check her mail, he's again too late. Ted asks Maggie's neighbour to let him know when she's next single, which turns out to be in four years. [510 The Window. 4 years before 2009, based on Ted's calculations of how long she's dated each boyfriend].
- Barney goes to The Lusty Leopard strip club for the first time. It's his favourite strip club for the next seven years. [According to 807 The Stamp Tramp which is set in 2012 he's been going there for seven years. ]
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