The Future (2014+)

Barney and Robin get divorced.

Barney's daughter, Ellie, is born

Ted brings the blue french horn to Robin (2030)
Ted and Tracy get married
- February. Lily and Marshall's daughter, Daisy, is born. [9 months after May 2013. 920 Daisy]
- Saturday May 24th. (Sometime between 12pm and 2pm) - At the Farhampton Inn Ted and Tracy wait to check in and Ted remembers how exactly a year ago he sat in the same spot they're in, knowing that a year later he would return with the girl of his dreams, even though at that point Tracy and Ted had not yet met [Exactly one year to the exact day and time from 902 Coming Back. That episode is set between 12pm and 2pm].
- Marshall and Lily are living in Italy with their kids Marvin and Daisy and their parents Judy and Mickey. [920 Daisy]
- While visiting Farhampton Ted proposes to Tracy and she happily accepts. [908 The Lighthouse. Possibly around their two-year anniversary?]
- Tracy announces that she's pregnant. [923 Last Forever Part One, After the proposal, as Ted was planning their wedding when he found out.]
- Ted and Tracy's daughter, Penny, is born. [Close to September as Tracy implies she'll be heavily pregnant around this time in 923 Last Forever Part One]
- Trilogy time. Barney, Marshall and Ted watch the Star Wars trilogy and, for the first time, Ted brings his baby daughter, Penny. [720 Trilogy Time]​
- Christmastime. Ted leaves Penny with Marshall and Lily and as revenge for him taking their son to see Santa for the first time without them they do the same to him. [809 Lobster Crawl]
- Buenos Aires, Argentina. After two years of marriage Barney and Robin decide to get a divorce. They drink heavily and wake up in the wrong room the following day. [918 Rally, 923 Last Forever Part One]
- By this point Marshall is back in corporate law, which he really despises. [923 Last Forever Part One]
- May. At a gathering at Ted and Tracy's house Barney and Robin reveal to the gang they got a divorce and Marshall and Lily reveal that Lily's pregnant with their third child. [923 Last Forever Part One]
- October. Lily and Marshall decide The Apartment is getting too cramped and they decide to move out. [923 Last Forever Part One]
- October 31st. Lily and Marshall host a Halloween/Farewell, Apartment party. Lily and Marshall dress up as Captain Ahab and the white whale. Tracy and Ted dress up as a hanging chad and a Floridian voter. Robin visits the party, and it's the first time the gang has seen her in a while. She leaves early though, saying she no longer feels comfortable hanging with the gang. [923 Last Forever Part One]
- November/December. Marshall and Lily's third child, a girl, is born. [923 Last Forever Part One. Based on the fact that Lily is heavily pregnant by Oct 31st it's very likely the baby was born that year too. Dialogue in the episode implies they have a girl.]
- March. Barney quits smoking for good. He's the last of the gang to stop. [511 Last Cigarette Ever]​
- Robins television commercial for adult diapers finally stops airing. [According to 607 Canning Randy the ad ran for 7 years from 2010]​
- By this point Marvin's in kindergarten and Robin and Lily meet up for drinks. Robin confesses that four years ago when Lily left her alone with Marvin that she let an old lady pick him up and apologises for it. Lily says it doesn't matter as it was four years ago and asks if there's more to the story but Robin says there isn't.[Four years after 2013. 816 Bad Crazy].
- Ted and a heavily pregnant Tracy go the Farhampton Inn for one last trip away before their son is born but at 1.45am Tracy goes into labour and gives birth to their son, Luke. [915 Unpause]
- Ted, Barney and Lily are hanging out at MacClaren's for the first time in a long while. Barney is back to his old womanising ways, saying that if he couldn't make things work with Robin then he won't make them work with anyone. Marshall arrives and announces he's finally becoming a judge. [924 Last Forever Part Two]
- August 31st. Barney boasts to Carl in MacClaren's how he completed a perfect month, sleeping with thirty girls, one for each day of August when Carl tells him August has thirty-one days. With little time left he manages to sleep with one more girl to complete his perfect month, however much to his horror the girl falls pregnant. [924 Last Forever Part Two. The specific details were mentioned in a deleted scene.]
- September. Barney, Marshall & Lily and Ted & Tracy go to Robots vs. Wrestlers and Barney reveals to the gang he got a girl pregnant. [924 Last Forever Part Two. He probably told the gang about it a few weeks after it happened, so most likely September].
2020 ​
- Ted takes five-year-old Penny to the city to see the GNB building he designed and they run into Robin, who he hasn't seen in a long time. Robin says she's moved back to the city permanently so they'll all be seeing her more often. [924 Last Forever Part Two]
- May/June. Barney's daughter, Ellie, is born. [924 Last Forever Part Two. She was born in May, based on the fact she was conceived on August 31st.]
- Ted re-proposes to Tracy, and again she happily accepts. The Thursday after this they finally get married with all the gang, including Robin attending. Marshall announces he's going to run for the state supreme court. [924 Last Forever Part Two]
​​- Marshall, Ted & Lily's 20th College Reunion. For the first time in ages they enjoy a sandwich together, though sandwiches are a lot stronger than they remember. ​[305 How I Met Everyone Else. It is not known where in the year this event falls, but as commenter Kyriakos Zacharias pointed out it definitely happens after Ted & Tracy get married as Ted comments "Where's my wife?.]
- In a surprise victory over his former law school buddy, Brad Morris, Marshall wins the election for the state supreme court and has to do his victory interview while he's extremely drunk. [918 Rally]
- At an airport in Hong Kong Ted runs into Wendy The Waitress who by this point is married to Meeker and has three kids. [617 Garbage Island]
- Barney fakes being terminally ill in order to prank Marshall with an exploding meatball sub. [620 The Exploding Meatball Sub]​
- Tracy's book on poverty is published. [918 Rally]
- December 31st. Tracy and Ted go to a new years eve party. Ted says he's going to "go big tonight" and Tracy warns him not to overdrink. [918 Rally]
- January 1st. Tracy wakes up with a bad hangover and is given Barney's Stinson Hangover Fixir Elixir by Ted. [918 Rally]
- Ted and Tracy return to the Farhampton Inn and as Ted goes to tell Tracy a story they both realise they know know all of each others stories. [919 Vesuivius]
- Tracy dies from an unknown illness. [6 years before 2030. 924 Last Forever Part Two]
- By this point Marvin's in middle school and Robin and Lily meet up for drinks. Robin confesses that twelve years ago when Lily left her alone with Marvin that there's more to the story and that she accidentally let go of Marvin's stroller and had to run after it. She apologises and Lily says it doesn't matter as it was twelve years ago and asks if there's more to the story but Robin says there isn't. [Twelve years after 2013. 816 Bad Crazy].
- By this point Marvin's in high school and Robin and Lily meet up for drinks. Robin has another confession and an annoyed Lily asks what she did this time. When Lily left Robin alone with Marvin 4 years ago she, and the old lady that she met, took Marvin to a strip club and she apologises for it. Robin insists there's no more to the story. [14 years after 2013. 816 Bad Crazy].
2029 ​
​- November 1st. Marshall opens Lily's death letter only to find that all she's written was a note how she knew Marshall would read this before she die and how he sucked. There's also no naked pictures like she promised. A very alive Lily tells Marshall she'll do them but Marshall doesn't want them now. [302 We're Not From Here]
- By this point Marvin's started driving and Robin and Lily meet up for drinks. Robin has yet another confession and says that when Lily left her alone with Marvin 16 years ago that she left Marvin alone with the old lady in the strip club while she went to the bathroom. She swears though that this is the whole story. [14 years after 2013. 816 Bad Crazy].
2030 ​
- Robin and Lily meet up for drinks and Robin confesses there's one more part to the story of when Lily left her alone with Marvin. She reveals that the old lady in the story she'd been telling that she met, took Marvin to a strip club with and left alone with wasn't really an old lady at all but instead was the famous boxer Mike Tyson. Lily's excited at the fact her baby was rocked to sleep by, current senator, Mike Tyson. [17 years after 2013. 816 Bad Crazy]
- Marvin Jr starts college and Lily goes out to celebrate and gets drunk but she's shocked when Marvin enters the same bar. [918 Rally]
- Ted begins to tell his kids the longest story in the history of the world, the story of how he met their mother. Once he finally finishes the kids realise the story was not really about their mother (and she was hardly in it) but it was really about how their dad is in love with their Aunt Robin. They give him their blessings to call Robin and tell her and he heads over to Robin's apartment with the blue french horn, and as she leans out the window he lifts it up towards her, just like he did twenty five years earler. [First shown in 101 The Pilot, 924 Last Forever Part Two.]​
- 60 year old Marshall reads the letter his 31 year old self wrote and travels back in time to 2009 and gives himself some chicken wings. [As shown in 510 The Window. Of course there's no way for Future Ted to know this actually happened, since he wasn't there and Future Marshall never revealed himself to anyone]
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